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The Simpsons Movie


Guest Posted by Tom Ricaden

The Simpsons Movie is a movie that I have been meaning to watch for months. With a busy work schedule and little free time I simply was never able to watch it. Thanks to a week off and an enormous television I decided that it was finally time to watch this movie.

I sat down in front of my 55 inch television the other night and went through the listings on the screen. Sports games, re-runs, boring reality television, Oxygen network are all quite boring. Finally I found The Simpsons Movie! Luckily I found it about ten minutes before it was about to start.

This movie was simply amazing! A climactic plot that led to the near destruction of Springfield made the viewer sit on the edge of their seat. Homer is not the smartest character but any avid Simpsons fan knows that. The military being so involved with Springfield is rather interesting. It made me think back to the days of the cold war when the U.S.S.R. gave little power to its own citizens. I continued to watch The Simpsons Movie on one of the satellite systems in Florida in my area.

The next part that struck me as interesting was the entire bubble being placed over Springfield. This dome was placed on top of the town to ensure that the residents would not be able to exit or enter. However tunneling was able to get under the dome and several citizens escaped. I am not going to share who exactly as that might just spoil the entire movie. This movie was well worth the wait!


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